Training & Workshops

Thank you all for a terrific workshop. You were fantastic, and you delivered such an interactive session, which is so hard to do on Zoom!

— A.K., a Stamey Street client

Introducing the
6P+ Racial Equity Framework

In partnership with Make Communities, we have developed The 6P+ Racial Equity Framework™ to take organizations from color-blind to equity-centered using a whole-organization approach.

This framework grounds organizations in work by:

  • Tying strategies for racial equity to mission performance and organizational values while examining a systems-level approach to understanding and mitigating existing disparities.

  • Identifying opportunities to support your team’s growth journeys, developing equitable practices, and aligning your organization’s work with its intended audiences.

  • Assessing readiness, planning for action, and keeping your organization accountable for meeting its equity aspirations.

What you can expect from racial equity training and workshops

Use to build racial equity awareness and skill-build compentencies

Stamey Street offers training and coaching sessions for organizations to create a shared learning experience anchored in an “Equity Why” and racial equity goals. Sessions are best utilized by teams and organizations who want to build specific competencies to support their racial equity aspirations. We offer in-person, virtual, and self-directed digital courses. Our team believes that training is not an end goal. Instead, it is one step toward becoming a more racially equitable organization. A typical engagement will not start with training.

In addition to The 6P+ Racial Equity Framework™ training, Stamey Street offers:

  • Creating your Organizational “Equity Why” Statement

  • Equity How: Conducting a Racial Equity Impact Analysis

  • Beyond Compliance: Strategies to Embed Racial Equity into Your Organization’s HR Department

  • Data Matters: Avoiding Stereotypes in Your Communications

Racial equity training & workshops include

  • Planning and co-design with my client

  • Agenda creation with client’s goals and learning objectives

  • Materials development to support learning

  • In-person or virtual facilitation with self-study options

  • Post-session debrief to recenter learning objectives

  • Post-session follow-up with any after session planning

How clients use

Here are some of the ways that clients use this service

Here are some of the ways that clients use this service

Clients use this service as a shared learning experience to establish an “Equity Why” or to build on past work as part of a racial equity commitment. It can be delivered organizationally (for small organizations) or by teams (for larger organizations).

Prospective clients should plan to pair training engagements with another Stamey Street service.

A word about pricing: For virtual sessions, successful workshops require just as much planning time, if not more, to produce desired results.

How to start an engagement

We start each engagement with an in-depth discovery process that produces an “Equity Why” for the project before we start our work together. Here are two things to know about Stamey Street’s discovery process.

  1. It is often more than one phone call, though a call is how we start an engagement.

  2. I’ll want to connect with a small group of staff as part of the process.


Policy or Practice Review