Organizational Assessments.

“Dr. Scott, our organization will be better after having worked with you.”

— A Stamey Street Client

What you can expect from an organizational assessment

Use an organizational assessment to uncover differences in staff experiences

Stamey Street’s organizational assessment uncovers differences in staff experience by race and other dimensions of identity. Equity audits are a way to learn where policies, practices, and processes that may be colorblind need to be updated to be more equity-centered. Most often, inequities found in policies and practices are unintentional. However, without an intentional focus, they become embedded into an organization’s culture and contribute to differential experiences among staff. Assessments include program evaluations. Recommended for nonprofits or businesses in Phases 2, 3 or 4.

This service connects three Stamey Street services:

  • Workplace Climate Survey

  • Interviews and Focus Groups

  • Policy and Practice Review

An organizational assessment includes

  • Planning with my client

  • Interviews and focus groups

  • Workplace climate survey

  • Policy and practice review with reccomendations

  • Written plan to help move to the next phase

  • Systems review to support implementation

How clients use

Here are some of the ways that clients use this service

Here are some of the ways that clients use this service

The underlying premise of this work is that racism is baked into our processes. An assessment can identify those areas. Clients hire me to review their organizational policies, practices, and processes to determine where inequities lie. Assessments are structured around the client’s needs. Most often, organizational assessments include a policy practice review (e.g., human resources policies), interviews or focus groups with staff (to center their voices), a report with recommendations, and an implementation strategy.

How to start an engagement

We start each engagement with an in-depth discovery process that produces an “Equity Why” for the project before we start our work together. Here are two things to know about Stamey Street’s discovery process.

  1. It is often more than one phone call, though a call is how we start an engagement.

  2. I’ll want to connect with a small group of staff as part of the process.


Custom Engagements


Policy or Practice Review