I’m Dr.
Joanna Shoffner

An organizational development consultant with a racial equity focus.

I help leaders in nonprofits, philanthropies, and businesses create workplaces that work for everyone.

“Dr. Scott, our organization will be better after having worked with you.”

— A Stamey Street client

Why Work With Me

It is important to know your why when you hire me. Typically, leaders hire me because they:

  • Want to leave lasting legacies in the organizations they lead.

  • Believe that racial equity is a cross-team, cross-generational value.

  • Want to operationalize mission, vision, and values in their team’s everyday practices,

  • Need support in hard leadership moments.

Build Your Equity Why in 4 Steps

Lost for the right words when talking about your organization’s racial equity commitment?

Build Your Equity Why: A 4-Step Guide is a tool to help you communicate why racial equity matters in your everyday work.

Your Equity Why is a clear statement of why racial equity matters in your day-to-day work. It drives your organization’s leadership, values, behaviors, systems, and processes.

For More of My Work


Race in the Workplace

Racial Equity Framework

Featured Blog Posts


Race in the Workplace is a weekly newsletter dedicated to supporting leaders who believe racial equity matters for nonprofits, philanthropies, and businesses. It is a place to access tools, practical guides, and best practices to support your leadership journey.